Psychological Services
Integral Health includes psychological and emotional wellbeing. InterSALUD provides psychological assessments and therapy administered by professionally licensed Christian psychologists and counselors. These services are offered to individuals, institutions, educational organizations, churches and ministries in Latin America, because InterSALUD believes that good emotional health is no less important than good physical health. “We want to provide people with symptomatic relief and good emotional health that will improve their quality of life and give them a right view of themselves and the world around them.” The services include:
a. Crisis therapy
b. Family therapy
c. Individual therapy
d. Organizational profiles
e. Ministry and church personnel assistance
f. Talent Enhancement Center
g. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Confidentially is our motto and support and courage is our philosophy. The cost per consultation is $20 individual and $25 per couple of Family.
Appointments for services may be obtained by contacting us at (593-2) 226-8604.