How much does a Mission Trip cost?
It depends on whether the location you want to go to is in Ecuador or Latin America. InterSALUD charges their participants a fee per person for the administration issues, that is used to cover our administration expenses. The rest of the cost is budgeted based on the location you want to go to and the type of project you want to develop. Some of the expenses you might want to consider are: 1. Accommodations 2. Transportation 3. Alimentation 4. Interpreters 5. Incidental fees (about $15 per person) 6. Airport taxes 7. Medical Supplies 8. Advertisement (How we advertise the project on the location you have chosen) InterSALUD will send a total budget per person per project, which will include all the previous items. So, in order to set up a project, we would have to know what type of project you have in mind and where in South America you want to do it. The cost varies due to distances, and transportation cost, for example, the cost of domestic flights is much more expensive than a local bus. Usually we leave two days dedicated for Tourism and resting, which is not included in the budget. The budget does not include air tickets from North America or to North America, but, we can help with making the reservations with a partner Travel Agency.
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